Photo by Jedd Wasson

A Very Different Kind of Shark Novel

It tells the unusual story of a diver who finds himself in the crosshairs of one of the ocean’s great apex predators, resulting in him ending up adrift and alone in the Pacific Ocean. Cut off from civilization and grappling with the harsh realities of survival, he is forced to confront his own limitations. With no tools or technology at his disposal, he must rely solely on his ingenuity, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination to navigate the treacherous waters and find his way back home.

“I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. This was a surprise. I tried to imagine how I would explain this to Cecilia. As it approached us, it slowed and appeared to hang languorously in the water above us, swimming slowly against the current, taunting us with its massive form. Below it, several remoras clung to its belly, waiting for scraps to be passed down. Jeff and Jason had, like me, reflexively nestled behind some hard coral. Personally, I would have preferred a narrow lava tube, but there were none nearby. Despite all the hiding places a reef supposedly supplies, there really wasn’t anywhere we could conceal ourselves. All we could do was stay low and hope it quickly lost interest. I even held my breath, fearing that my bubbles might give me away. This was futile, since the shark had already sensed us from far away, beyond our field of vision.

    About the Author

    An engineer by vocation, Cotwell began his dive training in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1996, getting his CMAS certification under the tutelage of old school wreck divers. On an early morning dive in the winter of 1997 in freezing waters, the first stage of his regulator froze and free flowed, which marked his transition to diving in tropical waters. Since then, he has dived in the waters off New Guinea, Borneo, Bali, Sulawesi, Hawaii, and the Red Sea. Today, T.R. Cotwell lives with his family near Seattle, WA.

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